Our non-profit organisation aims to keep the memory of Jean-Pierre "Jempi" Monseré alive.
We do this by organising an annual cycling race in which we especially want to give young pros every opportunity.

Royal Cycling Club De Mandelzonen VZW
Mandeldreef 30
B-8800 Roeselare
ID no: 0841.614.164
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Board members
Rino Vandromme (BoD) Chairman
Gisèle Gardeyn-Debever Honorary Chairman (deceased)
Filip Van Eeckhout (BoD) Secretary
Elmer Walraedt (BoD) Treasurer
Ludo Vandromme (BoD) Board
Roger Delanoye (BoD) Board
Wim Vanoverbeke (MB) Board
Marc Renier Board
Winand Vangheluwe Board
Geert Vanhullebusch Board
Stijn De Zaeytijd Board
Johan Rosseel Board
Jessica Vandromme Board
Sharon Vandromme Board
Ivo Mijngheer Board
Rita Callens Board
Mario Destoop Board
Marina Renier Board